Stealing a Nation 
This is a video
produced by the US Navy about Diego Garcia.
Diego Garcia is a small coral atoll
in the Chagos Archipelago
in the UK owned British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT);
it is a joint US/UK military facility.
While this video shows Diego Garcia as a friendly place
where the contractors and military personnel get along,
the bar is stocked, the food plenty,
and the "fun in the sun" activities are various,
Diego Garcia has another side.
From the late 60's to early 70's,
the British government expelled the Chagossians,
the native people of Diego Garcia,
in order to make room for the navy facility.
Three times in six years,
UK courts have told the British government
to find a way to let the Chagossians go home.
As of this writing, nothing has been done. (2007)
To learn more about the Chagossians and their cause,
go to
To learn about the base,
go to
(the video is there as well).
A report about about the people of diego garcia
(a former colony of Britain)
and how the 2000 some population of black people
was betrayed by its government, the British government.
These people were living a peaceful life
when the british government decided
to deport them all unconditionally
and hand the island over to the USA
to be used as a MILITARY BASE!
Those who refused to leave were tortured,
starved and whatever deed possible
was done to evacuate them.
They were then relocated in horrendous slums in Mauritius.
Most of them died of hunger, disease,
poverty or just depression.
Whole generations uprooted and destroyed.
All thanks to the righteous British and American governments.
This island today is used as a military base
from where the americans have launched attacks
on Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.
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PART 4 of 6
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PART 6 of 6
produced by the US Navy about Diego Garcia.
Diego Garcia is a small coral atoll
in the Chagos Archipelago
in the UK owned British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT);
it is a joint US/UK military facility.
While this video shows Diego Garcia as a friendly place
where the contractors and military personnel get along,
the bar is stocked, the food plenty,
and the "fun in the sun" activities are various,
Diego Garcia has another side.
From the late 60's to early 70's,
the British government expelled the Chagossians,
the native people of Diego Garcia,
in order to make room for the navy facility.
Three times in six years,
UK courts have told the British government
to find a way to let the Chagossians go home.
As of this writing, nothing has been done. (2007)
To learn more about the Chagossians and their cause,
go to
To learn about the base,
go to
(the video is there as well).
A report about about the people of diego garcia
(a former colony of Britain)
and how the 2000 some population of black people
was betrayed by its government, the British government.
These people were living a peaceful life
when the british government decided
to deport them all unconditionally
and hand the island over to the USA
to be used as a MILITARY BASE!
Those who refused to leave were tortured,
starved and whatever deed possible
was done to evacuate them.
They were then relocated in horrendous slums in Mauritius.
Most of them died of hunger, disease,
poverty or just depression.
Whole generations uprooted and destroyed.
All thanks to the righteous British and American governments.
This island today is used as a military base
from where the americans have launched attacks
on Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.
PART 1 of 6
PART 2 of 6
PART 3 of 6
PART 4 of 6
PART 5 of 6
PART 6 of 6