Cancer: shock breakthrough  

June 21, 2009
Prostate cancer victims cured with ipilimumab
Daniel Foggo
Comment from a reader:
( This drug is now being tested on skin cancer, Hodgkin's and lung cancer as well.
If successful on all, then its impact may well be universal on all cancers.
. .
TWO men with advanced, inoperable prostate cancer
have dramatically recovered after being treated with an experimental drug.

Both are cancer-free and have returned to normal life.

The patients, Rodger Nelson and Fructuoso Solano-Revuelta,
took part in US trials of a drug called ipilimumab.

The researchers were so excited by the men’s recovery
that they released details before completion of the tests,
which involved 108 men in all.

Before treatment at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota,
both men had aggressive tumours and neither was expected to survive.

Dr Eugene Kwon, who led the trial, said:
“We were startled to see responses that far exceeded expectations.”

The patients received traditional hormone therapy
to remove testosterone, which fuels prostate cancer.
They then had one dose of ipilimumab,
an antibody that boosts the immune system’s response.

Both patients saw their prostate specific antigen
(PSA) levels drop to the point where they could have surgery.
PSA is a protein that allows doctors to monitor prostate cancer.

When the surgeons made their incisions, they had a surprise.
Michael Blute, a urologist, said: “The tumours had shrunk dramatically.
I had a hard time finding the cancer.”

John Neate, of the Prostate Cancer Charity in the UK,
where 10,000 men die a year from the disease, said:
“If these early and small-scale results are replicated in larger trials,
this represents a potentially very exciting development.”

From Times Online

. .

Patients with inoperable prostate disease recover after single dose of drug
By Jeremy Laurance, Health editor Saturday, 20 June 2009

The results were so startling that researchers decided to release details
of the two cases before the drug trial – in which the patients took part – was complete.
Doctors said their progress had exceeded all expectations.

The men were treated at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in the US,
one of the top medical centres in the world.

Dr Eugene Kwon, the urologist who was in charge of their treatment,
compared the results to the first pilot breaking the sound barrier.

"This is one of the Holy Grails of prostate cancer research.
We have been looking for this for years," he said.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men
– 34,000 new cases and more than 10,000 deaths are reported each year in Britain,
where rates of its occurrence have tripled in the past 30 years,
mainly due to improved detection. The US has the highest incidence of the disease.

Rodger Nelson and Fructuoso Solano-Revuelta were diagnosed
with advanced prostate cancer and sought treatment at the Mayo Clinic.
They were told the disease had spread beyond the prostate.

Mr Nelson's cancer was encroaching on the abdomen
and Mr Solano-Revuelta's tumour was the size of a golf ball.
Patients in such condition are told they may have only months to live,
and are normally only offered palliative care.

But after one infusion of the drug ipilimumab,
a monoclonal antibody that stimulates the immune system,
given with conventional hormone therapy,
their tumours shrank enough to be surgically removed.

Both men have since made a full recovery and returned to their businesses.


Professor Malcolm Mason, a Cancer Research UK prostate cancer specialist, said:
"These case reports are extremely interesting and encouraging.
Ipilimumab might potentially be a strong stimulator of the immune system,
and it seems logical that it might also be effective in prostate cancer. //


Ipilimumab: How it works

*Ipilimumab is one of a class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies,
which stimulate the body's own immune system to fight disease.

The experimental treatment is being developed
by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Medarex, a US biotech company.

The drug is being trialled on malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer,
Hodgkin's disease, lung cancer and prostate cancer.

Studies are most advanced in melanoma, where it has been shown to prolong survival
in patients with advanced forms of the disease.

In the Mayo Clinic study of prostate cancer,
researchers say that standard hormone treatment ignited the immune response,
and adding ipilimumab was like "pouring gasoline on the pilot light".

Read the full article in The Independent
. .

2009-06-22 @ 01:48:09

More dance - less work  

The Art of Conscious Living

Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice
which has profound relevance for our present day lives.
This relevance has nothing to do with Buddhism per se
or with becoming a Buddhist,
but it has everything to do
with waking up
and living in harmony
with oneself and with the world.


It has to do with examining who we are,
with questioning our view of the world and our place in it,
and with cultivating some appreciation
for the fullness of each moment we are alive.

Most of all, it has to do with being in touch...


...Mindfulness means paying attention
in a particular way: on purpose,
in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.
This kind of attention nurtures greater awareness,
clarity, and acceptance of present-moment reality.

It wakes us up to the fact that our lives unfold only in moments.

If we are not fully present for many of those moments,
we may not only miss what is most valuable in our lives
but also fail to realize the richness
and the depth of our possibilities for growth,
and transformation...


...When we commit ourselves to paying attention in an open way,
without falling prey to our own likes and dislikes,
opinions and prejudices, projections and- expectations,
new possibilities open up
and we have a chance to free ourselves
 from the straitjacket of unconsciousness.

I like to think of mindfulness simply as the art of conscious living.

You don't have to be a Buddhist or a yogi to practice it.
In fact, if you know anything about Buddhism,
you will know that the most important point
is to be yourself and not try to become anything
 that you are not already.


Buddhism is fundamentally about being in touch
with your own deepest nature and letting it flow
out of you unimpeded.

It has to do with waking up
and seeing things as they are.


In fact, the word "Buddha"
simply means one who has awakened
 to his or her own true nature.

- Jon Kabat-Zinn


Mindfulness Stress Reduction And Healing

Google Tech Talks
March 8, 2007



Jon will describe the revolution in medicine
that has occurred over the past 30 years
that has integrated the mind back into the body
and developed a remarkable range of practices
for integrating one's experience, reducing stress,
healing the body, coping more effectively with emotions
such as anxiety, anger, and depression,
and cultivating greater well-being and happiness.


His work has been instrumental
in bringing Buddhist meditative practices,
as he likes to say, "without the Buddhism"
to full acceptance within the mainstream of medicine,
psychology, and health care,
and has shown them to be effective
 in people suffering from a wide range of medical problems..

is 74 minutes long - take the time, its worth it!!! ))

"At least 1000 research studies
on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
are in print in peer-reviewed journals,
showing it can reduce chronic pain,
high blood pressure,
serum cholesterol levels,
and blood cortisol,
and alleviates depression,
post-traumatic stress disorder
and eating disorders.

MBSR can also change
the way emotions are regulated
in the prefrontal cortex
and alter the immune response to an influenza vaccine."

from The Power of Paying Attention:
What Jon Kabat-Zinn Has Against "Spirituality"
in Psychotherapy Networker (Nov/Dec 2004)


Current research information is available
from the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine,
Health Care and Society
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

There are journal articles summarizing
the efficacy and research in the following areas
of application and integration
 of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
and physical and mental health diagnosis.

In general the findings include:

  • Reduction in suffering
  • Increased health and wellbeing
  • Decreased symptomology
  • Decreases medication use
  • Decreases treatment cost
  • Increases treatment retention and relapse rate
  • Increased immune function
  • Decreased blood pressure, heart rate,
  • Decreased cardiovascular disease
  • and decreased hospitalization
People also report feeling and being less reactive,
more satisfied with their lives
and less judgmental of themselves and others.



2008-01-29 @ 13:55:04

Chakras - wheel of Light  


In Sanskrit, the word chakra means "wheel of light".

 When juxtaposed over the body each Chakra signifies
one of seven basic energy centers
located in the midline center of the body.


These centers correspond to five main nerve ganglia
branching forth from the spinal column and two areas of the brain.


Chakras located on the lower part of our body
are our considered to be our instinctual/physical side,
the highest ones our mental/metaphysical side.


Each chakra is associated with a color
as well as a musical note.

The Chakra Connection relies on the metaphysical properties
of the various semi-precious stones associated with each of the chakras.
 It is believed that the adornment of certain related stones
aid us by opening up our chakras and releasing negativity,
thereby achieving balance.


~ step forwards towards a Galactic consciousness ~













Join the Healing Circle at




and LISTEN to the message - the truth about who you are!

Anita Pathik Law


2008-01-06 @ 02:47:05

Every thought has a frequency  



You are a star..

You are a spiritual beeing with human experiences..


Your essence is pure energy and can never be destroyed,

the energy in your inner core of the cells
that builds up your biosuit (body)

are divided with cellmembranes....

the cells gather themselves into cluster  - and create organs..

these organs gather in bigger cluster into an organism,

which we in this case call a human beeing...
other names are animal, plant etc..

2008-01-06 @ 01:33:24

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