Lemuria Connection 
These are the stones and structures left after 2 big cataclysms.
The Lemuria to Atlantis shift and the Atlantis to now shift.
Some of the structures in this short film are build
with the original blocks from previous structures that are still here.
Megaliths, and trilithons everywhere spread out on many island
throughout the pacific ocean between Japan and S. America.
Exactly like esoterically texts describe.
The Lemuria to Atlantis shift and the Atlantis to now shift.
Some of the structures in this short film are build
with the original blocks from previous structures that are still here.
Megaliths, and trilithons everywhere spread out on many island
throughout the pacific ocean between Japan and S. America.
Exactly like esoterically texts describe.
Underwater discoveries of giant structures off the coast of Japan
Underwater discoveries of giant structures off the coast of Japan