The Secret 

The Secret team has created a visualization tool,
"The Secret to You", which you can download for free and play every day.
"The Secret to You" has been especially created
to harness all the power of The Secret to transform your life
into happiness, prosperity, health, love and joy.
To experience maximum power from the visualization tool,
read the words and feel them with all your heart.
From all at The Secret, we celebrate you,
we give thanks for you and we wish you a life beyond your wildest dreams.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy; bask in the beautiful images,
uplifting music, and memorable messages.
Allow wealth in all areas of your life now:
financial, spiritual, relational, intellectual, physical.
This is a Vision Board Video, a Manifesting Movie,
to help you in your JOurneY.
Feel the deliciousness of your dreams